Friday, November 15, 2013

30 Days of Thanksgiving ~Kim Wheeler

As I have been thinking about writing about what I am thankful for this month, it has been difficult to choose one thing on which to focus. I feel the Lord has given me so much to be thankful for. My son, Josiah, turned three years old this month and he reminds me often of a multitude of things of which I must thank God for. I am thankful that the Lord made me a mom three years ago and has also given me a sweet little girl. I am thankful that He has given me good health to be able to care for them; that He has given me a husband that loves me and our children. I am thankful that through being a parent and a wife he has taught me that I’m not as patient, caring and sacrificial as I once thought I was. I am thankful that only through Christ will I be able to give these things to my family. I am thankful that He has provided fellowship with other women that understand this as well.

As I was taking Josiah to preschool this morning, we talked about what we were thankful for. I told him that I was thankful for him, Bekah and Daddy. I then asked him what he was thankful for (fully expecting him to follow suit and say Mommy, Daddy and Bekah) but instead he said “I’m thankful for Jesus.” I think that sums it up pretty well.

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