Saturday, July 26, 2014

VBS: Day 4 ~ Machaela Page

Ah, Vacation Bible School. Pretty much THE highlight of a Christian kid's summer (not to mention my own). Since I was eleven, I've served at VBS in various different ways. I've been in music, snack duty, crew leadership, and my favorite: acting. This year's VBS has been my favorite, skit-wise, to date. Not only do I get to interact in character with the kids outside of the skits, I also get to put my *bad* British accent to use.

Although it is loads of fun and I have and will do it all over again, there are definitely some slightly daunting parts of serving--like the time commitment, the pure exhaustion that I know will run through my body the moment it is over, and then the questions that constantly run through my brain the entire week before: Will the kids like me?  Will the adults like me?  Will my friends think I'm "uncool" for wanting to hang around little kids all week?  Will I forget anything?  Have I already forgotten something?!

Yeah, you get the idea.

Sometimes I get plagued by so many doubts that I just don't want to do it.  But then there's that little part of me that says, "I've committed, so I obviously want to do it one way or another.  Besides, it's too late to back out now."  So, I go anyway.

And then it is more wonderful than I could have ever imagined. And the kids love it.  REALLY love it.  No matter who you are, how many kids you've been around, they find you fascinating.  The excitement and joy the majority have is really infectious.  I can't help but grin being around so much laughter and smiles.  When they say children are some of the best blessings we've ever received, they were not kidding.  The relationships I get to build with the kids are incredible. Whether I want them to happen or not, in some cases. 

Along with skits, I'm also working in Music with the fantastic Mrs. Kiser.  And each evening, whether in the classroom or in the sanctuary, there are always several pairs of little eyes looking up directly at me, intent and focused.  The fact that they are singing themselves hoarse and working as hard as they can to do the motions with me is a constant encouragement!  They love 'remembering Your people', 'blessing the Lord, O their soul', and shouting 'alleluia' at the top of their lungs.  No matter how tired I get, they always want more.  I love how much they want to sing praises to their Father in Heaven!

The thing that encourages me the most is the pure love they have for learning more about God.  Every night, all I can think about is how I'm there to help and encourage them in their walk with God, whether in a big or small way.  And that for some kids, it may be just the beginning of the journey.  And the fact I'm able, by God's will, to help them along the way is just...amazing.  To take part in such a thing is a privilege that I will hopefully never take for granted (Matthew 18:6).

Serving in VBS this year has definitely been one of the most impacting on me, personally.  Even though the stories that were told and the songs we sang I've heard a thousand times, they such a simple reminder of all that God does for us.  I grew closer with the adults and the rest of the youth as we all served together.  We made so many memories that I will remember for years to come.  I've learned so much about the kids, and I think they've taught me more than I thought they would.  Their joy and passion for the Lord has encouraged me in my own walk, and I plan to take everything I've learned and put it in action in my own life.

So whether you have served for Vacation Bible School, or you never have before, sign up next year.  It is worth it.

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