This week in VBS, we are reinforcing the wonderful teaching our children are getting in their classrooms with crafts that they take home each night. We hope the crafts will inspire parents to ask questions about the Bible stories their children heard, help their child focus on the "memory verse" which is on the crafts, and enjoy the creativity displayed in these projects! We are having fun making things together, but it's also a great way to have our children learn about God while doing interactive activities. Here's a brief summary of what we will be creating this week:
Monday - Detective badges (hats for younger ones) that have our fingerprints, reminding them that each child is uniquely special. Queen Esther scepters (wristbands for younger ones) that reinforce the study of the book of Esther that we are studying this week and how she trusted God.
Tuesday - "With God I am Strong" wristlets (banners for younger ones) that reminds our children that God is with us always, and leads us through challenging times.
Wednesday - Prayer journals (binoculars for younger ones) that can be used to write down prayer requests knowing that God hears our prayers and responds.
Thursday - God is our rock (Trust in the Lord for younger ones) banners that reinforce our lesson that God protects His children.
Friday - Cross artwork to symbolize giving praise to God for sending Jesus for our salvation.
We'll have one other surprise item on the last night that the children take home as a reminder of the fun time they had at VBS!
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