In all honesty, I often think during the weeks leading up to Vacation Bible School "this will be my last year volunteering for VBS." This is a sad but true fact. There are so many hours spent preparing for this one week of VBS by so many moms, dads, and church members; it can become an overwhelming and daunting task. However, every year the childrens' joy just melts my heart and I remember why we do this! There is nothing like driving home after a day of VBS with your children just brimming with happiness, singing the VBS songs and telling you all the stories of their day. I usually work registration - which gives me a great time during the week to talk to parents dropping off or picking up their children. I have heard so often about how these parents love VBS! And about how many of them grew up in non-church-going families and they remember that this was the first time they heard the Gospel of Jesus. Remember in Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Think how Jesus must love hearing these little voices sing praise music to Him all week. What joy it must bring Him hearing their laughter and watching them listen and learn about His Word.
VBS has also been a time of joy for me. It has been a great venue over the years to really
get to know other parents and youth from our church. It is a great way to fellowship with those at church that we often say "HI" to but often don't get to really stop and talk with. I also love seeing the growth in my boys: seeing how much they have learned about the Gospel, the friendships they have made, and how they are both eager to be old enough to volunteer soon.
Thankfully even though life gets busy, and I start to grumble, the Lord still continues to use this ministry to reach our children's hearts along with my own. Thank you so much to all the volunteers who make this week possible, to the children who are eager to come and to the parents who bring them!
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